Docker Container: filebrowser [Portainer Installation]

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About filebrowser

filebrowser provides a file managing interface within a specified directory and it can be used to upload, delete, preview, rename and edit your files. It allows the creation of multiple users and each user can have its own directory. It can be used as a standalone app or as a middleware. Soruce of text:

Video Tutorial

Text Tutorial

  1. First go to your Portainer and the containers section.
  2. Then click to Add container button.
  3. Now fill data.
    1. Name your container whatever you want, in my opinion it’s better to give it a name like docker image.
    2. In image type: filebrowser/filebrowser.
    3. Add a netwrok port, but in container must be port 80. In host you can select port whatever you want. I recommend a port that is not so well known.
    4. Now go to volumes and click to map additional volume. Container (volume) must have: /srv. And in host (volume) whatever you want. And don’t forget to set volume to bind. Then I later recommend creating users not to have access to the entire file system if you give the entire file system (/).
    5. Set restart policy to Unless stopped.
  4. And Finally, deploy filebrowser container via Portainer!